(The number of my blog posts is getting inflationary somehow so I’ll keep it short)
Firefox 3.6 has been released and obviously it’s already available for download from the openSUSE Mozilla repository for all openSUSE versions back to 11.0.
(As it is really fresh, some Addons might not be updated yet and as always the latest previous version 3.5.x is still available in the mozilla:legacy repo.)
I was wondering if this will be available to 11.2 users as online update sometime since it is actually a dot version upgrade [3.5.x -> 3.6.x] unlike say from 3.5.4 -> 3.5.5.
For the near future I think there will be no update as it’s not needed from a security standpoint. For users who want to have the latest and greatest we have the buildservice.
What about KDE 4 integration. Is it implemented on this build ?
It is.
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